Saturday, October 30, 2010

Day 2: Sunday- Learning about Religion

How's everyone dong at home?
I believe that today is the first time that I haven't gone to our church on Sunday. So, today I went to church with cousin Brandon here in Virginia but he told me that he doesn't really go to church very often because they aren't as dedicated to religion as we are. I learned that they are people who come to the new world in support of the Church of England, however we are trying to reform the Church of England and that made it pretty weird. Here I also noticed that there aren't many women who are able to go to church. Back at home people who have different beliefs that us, would be kicked out of the Mass. Bay Colony, like Anne Hutchinson was. However, here in the south Brandon told me that people who believe in different types religions moved around. For example, Catholics would move down to the colony of Carolina for more acceptance. After church I saw people working on farms and other places and I asked them why do they work so hard and do you know what they said? They said that they do work in hopes of becoming free and to gain profit. I believe that people should work to get the chance to be saved by god. Another interesting fact is that we tend to wake up earlier when we are going to church on Sundays. I would know given that I woke up at our usual time and was ready to go while everyone else was still sleeping. Today has been a very interesting day for me, I learned that people here can have different views from us and our religious practices. Still missing all of you back home, but I'll be back in a few days!!!


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