Monday, November 1, 2010

Day 6: Thursday- Agriculture/ Industry

So, this is my second to last day here in Virginia and I previously briefly mentioned that they grew tobacco here. Here tobacco is a main export and it was John Rolfe who perfected how to grow tobacco in large amounts, so people call him the “Father of Tobacco”. Here I also saw some plantations that grew rice. Here the industry also thrives on slave trade. It is much easier for a plantation owner to get a slave here in the South because there is a greater need for them. In Carolina, there was massive slave trade because of the close ties that it has with the West Indies and since they are close to each other it makes sense to say that large plantation owner has easy access to slaves. Compared to us, we grow things because we need it to live and not for profit. At home we grow things like fruits, veggies, and raise animals for us to eat.
            Here in Virginia, profit relies on one main thing, tobacco because the seasons/ temperature tends remain the same, but at home we have season changes which affects what we can grow and what we can’t. Also I have found that land here is more fertile while ours is more rocky, which also affects our agriculture differences.


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